Essay Guide for the University of Michigan

The Beautiful University of Michigan! 


The Beautiful University of Michigan! 

Welcome to UofM! Located in the beautiful college town of Ann Arbor, Michigan, the University of Michigan is one of the top public schools in the country, but also offers a lot more than just academics! From being one of the top football teams in the country, hosting numerous project teams, thousands of clubs, research programs in every discipline and so much more. But I can’t forget to mention the stellar academic programs, with top programs in business, medicine, engineering, and so many more. Whether it’s cheering “Go Blue” in the Big House, enjoying a picnic in the Arboretum, or studying with your friends at the Michigan Union, there is always something to do at Michigan! 


So what is it like applying to UofM? 

It’s safe to say my application process for UofM was similar to what a lot of students go through. I applied to UofM through the Common App which is what the majority of students do. The process is fairly straightforward where you have the main section which consists of information about yourself, test scores (which may have been removed since I applied), and the Common App essay. The application fee is $75. I also filled out the supplemental essays as all applicants do. Although a lot of my friends applied early action which was due on November 1st, I chose not to in order to refine my essays even more. I applied early January, before the February 1st deadline for regular decision applicants. Michigan sends out their decisions in waves as opposed to one major decision day like many other schools do. I found out my decision on February 28th which was one of the last waves. They have the same enrollment deadline as other schools which is May 1st. 


Supplemental Essays

Prompt 1: 

If you could only do one of the activities you have listed in the Activities section of your Common Application, which one would you keep doing? Why? (Required for all applicants.)* 

Response 1: In college, I would like to continue running, whether as part of a club or just recreationally. Running allows me to free my mind and relieve myself of any stress even if it is just for a moment. It also provides time for me to reflect on the past few days and just think to myself. Running allows me to explore my surroundings and find new places. When I run, I truly feel that I am free and worriless. College can be stressful at times so having a stress-reliever such as running can prove to be very beneficial. It is also a way for me to get my exercise and meet new people. 


  • Highlights: This prompt was straightforward, and some people say that if you are not an athlete then you should avoid talking about your experience in athletics in high school, however I felt so strongly about running that I decided to disregard that advice. In fact, two years later I’m still running almost every day! I would just say go with what your heart tells you rather than what you think an admission officer may want to read.



Prompt 2:

Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it.

Response 2: Since the age of five, my involvement in the Indian community has been a dominating aspect of my social life. The first language I learned was Kannada, which is a local dialect spoken in the Southern State of Karnataka. My parents are heavily involved in the Kannada Association in Greenville, so in turn, I too became very involved.  

My involvement in this community began when I started dancing in group dance events; I wasn't very good, but the parents took great joy in watching their toddlers dance, so I continued. Through elementary school, my mom formed a prayer group that sang at almost every major Kannada event. This prayer group also helped me find some of my best friends and helped stay connected to my Indian heritage. When I started middle school, I began volunteering at these events, helping operate the ticket sales booth, setting up and taking down the decorations before and after events. I continued to dance throughout middle school with my friends and even got to meet some Indian celebrities through the events we danced at. 

 In high school, I found out that our city hosted an event called "Day with India'' where Indian vendors set up shop, children danced, and the entire city reveled in Indian culture. I have gone every year since I became aware of the festival and have either participated in the festival or volunteered at it. All of this has brought me so much closer to my Indian heritage to the point that whenever I go to India, the locals can not make out that I was not raised there. I cherish being an Indian and I hope it will continue to remain a prominent part of my identity.  


  • Highlights: Although Indians are definitely not a URM (underrepresented minority) at UofM, they were definitely a minority in my home in Greenville, with 8/400 of our graduating class being Indian. Because of this, we were all super tight and were a close-knit community. Again, since this was such an important part of me, I maintained this in college and am now on a competitive Indian dance team! Don’t be afraid and write about the first and most important thing that comes to mind for this section. 



Prompt 3:

Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests? 

Response 3:  You could say that automotive engineering is in my blood. My father worked at Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan from when I was born until my early schooling. During this time, I was exposed to automobiles through car shows, plant tours, visits to the Ford Museum, and through my father's friends. Many of these friends, as well as my aunt, attended the University of Michigan, so even from a young age, I knew that the University of Michigan is the intellectual hub of this automotive world. I want to get into the automotive industry and Michigan naturally is the place to go.   

What distinguishes the University of Michigan from other schools to me is the College of Engineering. In my opinion, the various labs and facilities available to students are what make me want to attend the University of Michigan the most. Through the University of Michigan Engineering Instagram, I have been exposed to so many of the projects that students have undertaken and to think that this could be my daily life is absolutely amazing.  

After graduation, I would like to be at the forefront of the electric automobile industry. The Ford Battery Lab and the Automotive Research Center are very appealing to me since I see a direct connection between the type of work done in these labs and what I want to do once I graduate. My long term career objective is to make the transportation world more efficient and my passion is automobiles, and by combining these two, I would like to be at the forefront of sustainable transportation. Courses such as ME 458 (Automotive Engineering) and ME 438 (Internal Combustion Engines) appeal to me and ensure that I will be well prepared to enter the automotive industry. These courses are unique to the University of Michigan and are specifically focused on the industry I would like to enter. 

In addition to the opportunities within the classroom at Michigan, there are numerous opportunities outside the classroom that makes the University of Michigan so appealing. One of the clubs that piqued my interest is the Formula SAE club, which sponsors a competition to race electric cars. When I dug a little deeper, I found out that the 30-year-old Formula SAE team at Michigan has consistently performed well at the national and international stage, and I would love to join such a prestigious team that is so closely related to what I want to do after graduation. The University of Michigan is also located in the middle of the automobile capital of America and I hope to complete a few internships in the automotive industry during my studies. 

Finally, one of the largest factors to consider while deciding to attend any university would be the network that you form. The University of Michigan is not only prestigious but also one of the largest universities in the country and I hope to meet a variety of people from across the country who are as intellectually curious as I am. This, I believe, would allow for many unique clubs and groups for like-minded people. At the University of Michigan, I hope to seize every opportunity possible and to meet people that have unique interests, but the same goal of contributing to society in a positive way.  

  • Highlights:  The main reason I came to UofM was their top notch engineering school. I have wanted to be a mechanical engineer in the automotive industry since I was 7 and that still has not changed. I researched quite a few courses I wanted to take, and also looked at professors who I wanted to study with (which I probably should have mentioned more). I also looked at lots of clubs, and am still part of the Formula SAE team as the business director. I would definitely write about how not just one, but many aspects of why UofM is the perfect place for you (don’t worry I’m sure there will be many reasons!).  


Written by Madhav Bhat, PathIvy University of Michigan Ambassador

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